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Know Your Cards

Know your cards

  1. Card Name: The name of the card. This is the name that will be displayed in the game.
  2. Card Power: (Number) The power of the card.
  3. Card Faction: (Color) The faction of the card. Light or shadow.
  4. Card Rarity: The rarity of the card. Common (1-2 stars), Rare (3-4 stars), Ultra-Rare (5-6 stars), Legendary (7-8 stars).
  5. Card Skill: The skill of the card. This is the effect that the card will have when played.
  • Skill Type: The type of skill. There are 3 types of skills: Attack, Defense and Loot.
  • Skill Intensity: The intensity of the skill; Low, medium or high.
  1. Mature Status: The maturity status of the card. There are 2 maturity statuses: Perfect Mature and Dirty.
  2. Evolution Status: The evolution status of the card. There are 2 evolution statuses: Base and Extended.
  3. Card Rarity: The rarity of the card. Same as number 4.
  4. NFT Id: The NFT Id of the card. This is the unique identifier of the card.
  5. Card Experience: The experience level of the card. The more experience, the more powerful the card.
  6. Skill Level: The level of the skill. The higher the level, the more powerful the skill.
  7. Number of Warriors: The number of warriors that the card has to attack. The more power namber, rarity, evolution and experience, the more warriors the card has.
  8. Number of Wizards: The number of wizards that the card has for defence. The more power namber, rarity, evolution and experience, the more wizards the card has.
  9. Number of Serfs: The number of serfs that the card has for loot. The more power namber, rarity, evolution and experience, the more looters the card has.
  10. Evolve Button: The button to evolve the card. The card can be evolved only if it is a base card. The card will be evolved to the next level of rarity. If base cards are boosted, the evolved card will Perfect Mature.
  11. Boost Button: Shortcut to boost a card.
  12. Recycle Button: Shortcut to recycle a card.
  13. Set Avatar Button: Shortcut to set the card as player avatar.

10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 are explained in detail in the Boost Cards section.

16 is explained in detail in the Super Boost System section.

15 is explained in detail in the Evolve Cards section.

17 is explained in detail in the Recycle Cards section.