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Player Kill Mode

We are excited to announce the launch of the highly anticipated Player Kill (PK) system for PvP combat in the Coliseum Arena.

With this system, players can loot basic resources (food, wood, and stone) from opponents they defeat in single combat. It is important to understand how this system works to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Who can participate?

Access to this system requires meeting certain criteria:

  • Players must be at least level 5.
  • Players must have completed the previous Coliseum campaign with a Gold or Diamond rank.
  • An initial deposit of 100,000 units of basic resources (BRU) is required, which includes:
    • 100,000 units of food
    • 100,000 units of wood
    • 100,000 units of stone

The Player Kill system will only be available to those who meet these conditions and actively wish to participate by making the initial deposit.

How to activate the Player Kill mode?

1- Access the Coliseum and click on the 'Load Player Kill' button. active pk

2- Make the initial deposit of 100,000 units of basic resources (food, wood, and stone). active pk

3- Once the deposit is made, the Player Kill mode will be activated, and the player will be able to face other players who have also activated the mode. active pk

Function of the Player Kill Mode

Players wishing to combat in Player Kill mode will make resource deposits to have a blocked balance that serves as a guarantee against attacks from other players.

Contributions to the initial deposit can be made at any time.

Deposited resources cannot be withdrawn until the current round ends.

If a player loses all the deposited resources due to enemy looting, their Player Kill mode will be deactivated. To reactivate it, the player must make another resource deposit.

When two players with the Player Kill mode activated face each other, the winner will loot 1,000 basic resource units from the opponent’s deposit.

PK mode

What if I don't want to participate in the Player Kill system?

If you do not wish to participate in this system, you do not need to do anything. Just enjoy the Coliseum as usual. Players who activate their Player Kill mode can only loot resources from other players who have also activated their Player Kill mode.

If a player with the Player Kill mode activated faces another player who has not activated the mode, the result of the combat will not involve looting resources, regardless of the outcome.

No PK mode

How do I recover the BRU from the deposit?

Players can only make contributions to the deposit. Withdrawals are not allowed.

Each time a qualification round ends, the available balance for each participating player in the Player Kill mode will be reimbursed.

Balance = Deposit + Won - Lost

This balance will be delivered as claimable, and the Player Kill mode will be deactivated, so the player will need to reactivate it in the next round if they wish.

What other incentives are there for using the Player Kill mode?

In addition to the possibility of increasing your valuable resources to enhance your game cards, the bravest warriors will receive other rewards. At the end of each qualification round, the top 5 warriors (those whose final balance is highest) will receive these prizes:

  • 1st: 2,000 Soul Crystals
  • 2nd: 1,800 Soul Crystals
  • 3rd: 1,600 Soul Crystals
  • 4th: 1,400 Soul Crystals
  • 5th: 1,200 Soul Crystals

The number and amount of prizes may vary in future announcements. Stay tuned to our news.